About GoE

The Garden of England Cat Club is made up of a number of volunteer members who carry out various roles within the club.

The committee are always interested in having new members who would like to get involved in the show commission and help organise and run our shows, We also need members to help out at shows in secretariat, stewarding for judges and also best in show stewards.

Please get in contact if you would like to help out with any role in the club, We appreciate any involvement in helping the club run smoothly and for the enjoyment of all participants

Wendy Chapman

Club Secretary & Pedigree Secretary
Gem Chapman
8 Grower Gardens
goeregister@gmail.com goesecretary@gmail.com

Penny Tomlin

Committee Member
Marcia Morgan-Knight

Web Master
Gem Chapman

Show Manager
Gem Chapman

Assistant Show Managers
Wendy Chapman & Penny Tomlin

Show Entry Clerk
Penny Tomlin goeentryclerk@gmail.com

Chief Steward & Show Validations
Nick Chapman goevalidations@gmail.com

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